The Future of eSports: Trends and Predictions
With a global audience of 2.5 billion gamers, eSports has a unique growth potential. Although eSports revenue is still dwarfed by that of leading trade tional sports such as football, its momentum is continuing to build. Read more เข้าร่วมเลยกับ
As more companies begin to invest in the eSports ecosystem, competition will increase and it will be difficult for a single organisation to dominate. It is likely that some organisations will need to position themselves as gaming, lifestyle and media brands in order to unlock the full potential of eSports revenues. However, Faze Clan’s struggles illustrate that even this may not guarantee success.
“Balancing Act: Juggling Online Gaming and Real Life
Many eSports teams are still dependent on sponsorship and media rights as their main source of income. This is a risky strategy, particularly as the revenue growth of eSports has been slower than expected. It will be essential for eSports to develop other revenue streams, such as ticket sales and merchandize sales.
eSports is a highly iterative industry, with games changing over time and the gamer community evolving alongside them. This has implications for the format of competitions and the way in which they are run. It is not yet clear whether or how the eSports sector will establish an equivalent of the governing body in traditional sports, which can oversee changes to rules and formats. It may be that game publishers are best placed to take responsibility for this, given their intimate knowledge of their own games and their communities.