The success of an early childcare centre lies in the early stages and it is the job of the centre’s management team to ensure that these are developed as early as possible. One of the biggest challenges a good early childcare centre faces is attracting new parents. This can be particularly difficult in more affluent areas, where there may be higher expectations about how family life should be led and a greater social expectation about how family life should ideally be conducted. This can lead to an inability to attract those on lower incomes to these early childcare centres.
Challenges Faced By An Early Childhood Centre
In affluent areas, some childcare providers have tried to use marketing to draw in families. They advertise in the local free newspapers and offer flyers and bus tours. However, with less money and more children, it may not always work. By approaching families via email or through a specialist centre volunteer, chances are better that those families who do attend will be genuine caregivers.
Providing early childcare services is a great way for social workers to get their area recognised in the community and develop contacts and references in the area. When a centre offers child-centered, inclusive, high quality services and a range of high-quality educational and recreational activities, those on higher incomes will want to be able to provide their children with the best care. High-need communities often have gaps in services and a good early childcare centre in these areas can be an important bridge between people in poverty and the opportunity to enjoy early childhood development. For this reason, a social worker who is committed to early childcare development within the community should consider all options available to him or her.