If you have a bit of extra money and enjoy old-school style, you can build a custom Land Rover Defender that’s more than just a utilitarian, off-road-capable SUV. Several companies, including Osprey Custom Cars, specialize in rebuilding old Land Rovers and building modernized rigs from them that are more than just a relic of the past.
Who makes custom Range Rovers?
The custom land rovers is one of the world’s most famous four-wheel drive vehicles. And it’s also one of the most powerful off-road SUVs in its class, with a lot more refinement and luxury than competing models from Ford and Jeep.
It’s this combination of performance and sophistication that makes the Land Rover so appealing to many people. And it’s what led to the company launching an awards program last year to give away customized Defenders to nonprofit organizations who need them.
These organizations were selected after a public vote, and they each received a custom Defender with a special logo that signifies the award. In addition, each nonprofit won a trip to the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina to meet their new rigs and learn how to use them off-road.
But even the most refined SUVs still need an element of rough and ruggedness to survive in the real world, especially when it comes to off-roading. Which is where these classic, six-figure off-roaders come in.
For those with the money and the taste, they can turn these cars into the ultimate glamping vans with all of the amenities and comforts you can get in a brand-new, $70,000 or so off-roader. It’s a great way to have all the off-road capability of an SUV without the soulless, industrial look that modern Land Rovers sport.